35 Minimalist Quotes for Simple Living in 2024

Minimalism has gained popularity in recent years as a response to consumer culture and the constant need for more. It offers a way to simplify and streamline life, reduce stress and overwhelm, and focus on what truly matters.  

minimalist living

Overall, minimalism promotes a simpler, more intentional and fulfilling way of living. 

This minimalist quote list is filled with quotes to motivate you to value minimalism, plus my own experience with the practice and resources if you're interested in learning more. 

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35 Minimalist Quotes for More Simple Living

These minimalism quotes are a great place to find inspiration for living with less stuff, creating a simple life, and exploring your values. 

minimalist quote

1."Minimalism is not about having less, it's about making room for more of what truly matters." - Unknown

2. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - Leonardo da Vinci

3. "The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less." - Socrates

4. "The simplest things are often the truest." - Richard Bach

5. "Minimalism is not a lack of something. It's simply the perfect amount of something." - Nicholas Burroughs

6. “Caring for your possessions is the best way to motivate them to support you, their owner. When you treat your belongings well, they will always respond in kind . . . I take time to ask myself occasionally whether the storage space I’ve set aside for them will make them happy. Storage, after all, is the sacred act of choosing a home for my belongings.” -Marie Kondo

7. "Simplify, simplify, simplify." - Henry David Thoreau

8. "Minimalism isn't about removing things you love. It's about removing the things that distract you from the things you love." - Joshua Becker

simple living quote

9. "Less is more." - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

10. "Minimalism is a tool to rid yourself of life’s excess in favor of focusing on what’s important — so you can find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom…Minimalists don’t focus on having less, less, less. We focus on making room for more: more time, more passion, more creativity, more experiences, more contribution, more contentment, more freedom. Clearing the clutter from life’s path helps make that room. Minimalism is the thing that gets us past the things so we can make room for life’s important things — which aren’tthingsat all." — Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus, The Minimalists

11. "If you ask me what minimalism is really about, I would say that it's the altering of values - enter the small doors of minimalism and come out on the other side with big ideas." -Fumio Sasaki

12. “Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life and the labors of life reduce themselves.” ― Edwin Way Teale

13. "Simplicity of life, even the barest, is not a misery, but the very foundation of refinement." -William Morris

14. "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

15. "Minimalism means living with intention and purpose, rather than accumulating possessions." - Unknown

16. “Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” ― Steve Jobs

17. "The more things you own, the more they own you." - Unknown

18. "Minimalism is a journey of self-discovery and intentional living." - Courtney Carver

19. "There are more things to gain from eliminating excess than you might imagine: time, space, freedom, and energy, for example." - Fumio Sasaki

20. "The simpler we make our lives, the more abundant they become." - Sarah Ban Breathnach


21. "Less house, more home." - Unknown

22. “Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest.” ― Leo Babauta

23. "Minimalism is not a radical lifestyle. It's about being intentional and mindful in everything we do." - Cait Flanders

24. "A cluttered home reflects a cluttered mind." - Unknown

25. “Take each item in one’s hand and ask: ‘Does this spark joy?’ If it does, keep it. If not, dispose of it.”′ - Marie Kondo

26. "Simplicity involves unburdening your life, and living more lightly with fewer distractions that interfere with a high quality life, as defined uniquely by each individual.” - Linda Breen Pierce

27. I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind. - Albert Einstein

28."Minimalism is not about deprivation, it's about creating space for what truly matters." - Unknown

29. “The point of simple living, for me has got to be: A soft place to land. A wide margin of error. Room to breathe. Lots of places to find baseline happiness in each and every day” ― Leo Babauta

30. “Start with the stuff (as most people are inclined to do when they try to conquer their clutter) and you are pretty much guaranteed failure. Start with the vision you have for the life you want and you have taken the first real step to long-term and remarkable change.” ― Peter Walsh

31. "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth." - Leo Tolstoy

32."Simplify your life and amplify your happiness." - Unknown  

33.“I believe the ultimate source of blessings is within us.” -Dalai Lama

mental health quote

34. "Collect moments, not things." - Paulo Coelho

35. "Live simply, so others may simply live." - Mahatma Gandhi

What is Minimalism? 

Minimalism is a design and lifestyle philosophy that involves simplifying one's life by focusing on what is essential or purposeful and eliminating unnecessary distractions.

It emphasizes the concept of "less is more" and promotes the idea of living with intention, purpose, and clarity.

minimalist tips

In design, minimalism often refers to visual simplicity, where only key elements are used to convey a message or function. This can include the use of clean lines, neutral colors, and minimal decoration.

In lifestyle, minimalism encourages individuals to declutter their physical and mental spaces, prioritize experiences over possessions, and reduce consumption to only necessary items. It also promotes mindful spending and intentional living.

​How to Start Your Minimalist Journey

Some common practices associated with minimalism include decluttering and organizing one's physical space, creating daily routines or habits that align with personal values, letting go of excess material possessions, and practicing mindfulness in decision-making.

Minimalism is not a strict set of rules or guidelines, but rather a mindset and approach to life that can be applied in different ways.

It encourages individuals to define their own version of minimalism and make choices that align with their personal values and goals. By embracing minimalism, one can create more space for what matters. 

If you're looking to learn more about creating a meaningful life through minimalism consider the following books and documentaries.

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My Personal Experience with Minimalism 

When people think of minimalism it can be overwhelming and a lot of people think of empty space and only the bare essentials. However, minimalism can look different for everyone and that's okay.

In my own minimalism journey I still like stuff. I just like to make sure each item I own has meaning. I also practice minimalism in my wardrobe. I try to choose pieces that bring me joy, will last a long time, and reduce impulse buying.

minimal wardrobe

When I do purchase a piece of clothing or any kind of item I try to make purchases that match my values by shopping ethical and sustainable brands.

This approach has reduced the amount of unnecessary things I purchase and encourages me to do extra research before purchasing something. I also feel like it's a more sustainable way to live.

Minimalism is great because it inspires people to slow down and focus more on the present moment. It puts more emphasis on experiences and less emphasis on stuff. However, this can require a mindset shift.

Living a more simple lifestyle is an ongoing journey and there is always more to learn, explore, and simplify. Remember, less is truly more.  So let go of the excess and make room for what brings true joy and fulfillment in your life.

The possibilities are endless when we live with intention and simplicity. 

Embrace minimalism and see where it takes you on your journey towards a more intentional and fulfilling life. Let minimalism be your guide on this journey towards a simpler, happier life.  

It's important to remember that minimalism is not just about living with less; it's about living with purpose, meaning, and intention. This might mean exploring your own set of values. 

Keep simplifying, keep growing, and keep embracing a minimalist lifestyle. The journey towards minimalism never truly ends; it is an ongoing process that allows us to constantly evolve.

Hopefully this guide helped you find some quotes that provide a bit of inspiration on your journey.

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