7 Ways to Practice Slow Living & Be Present During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time for joy, love, and making memories with friends and family. However, with the hustle and bustle of shopping, cooking, and holiday preparations, it can be easy to get swept up in the chaos and forget what truly matters.

Being present during the holidays means taking the time to appreciate the people around us and the moments we share with them. It also means taking care of yourself, slowing down, and being mindful of the season.

In this blog post, we'll be discussing the importance of being present during the holidays and some ways to do it.

How to Slow Down & Practice Being Present During Holidays

These are some great ideas on how to practice slow living during the holidays.

Bake & Cook holiday goodies

Baking and cooking holiday treats can be a great way to connect with yourself or create memories with loved ones. This can be a great screen-free activity. You can create holiday traditions with cooking or make special dishes that have been passed down in your family.

holiday cookie baking

Each holiday season I make it a point to bake my grandma’s peppermint brownies! It’s a meaningful way to connect with my family from afar, use my hands to create something, and a tasty holiday treat.

Practice Gratitude

The holidays are the perfect time to practice gratitude and appreciate the people and things around us. Take the time to express your gratitude to loved ones and create a sense of warmth and appreciation in your interactions with them.

I like to journal my gratitude at the end of each day! It’s a great way to remind myself to give thanks during the chaos of the holidays.

Volunteering and Giving

Volunteering and giving during the holidays is an excellent way to be present and give back to your community. Volunteer at a local food bank or shelter and give to those in need. You can bring your friends and family to make this a meaningful group time.

Volunteering can. help us feel good, and it's a great way to create a sense of purpose during the holiday season.

DIY Decor or gifts

Making things with your hands is a great way to become more present. DIY crafts can be a great tool for slowing down. This could mean making your own holiday decor, skin care products, or gifts for others.

diy holiday wreath

There are plenty of tutorials online teaching you how to make your own candles, wreaths, bath products, and more.

Create Holiday Rituals

Rituals and traditions bring people together and create a sense of belonging and meaning. The holidays are the perfect time to create new rituals and memories with loved ones.

Whether it's enjoying hot cocoa and cookies by the fireplace or reading holiday stories together, these rituals help create lasting memories that will stay with us long after the holidays are over.

Disconnect from Technology

In today's world, it's easy to get distracted by technology. Phone notifications, social media, and emails can continually demand our attention. During the holidays, it's essential to disconnect from technology and make time for those around us.

Put away your phone, turn off your computer, and focus on being present with your loved ones. You can take your phone to capture some memories, but avoid staying on it for long hours.

I like to delete my social media apps around the holidays, so that I can focus on being in the present moment and not feeling a pressure to post or look at how others are celebrating.

Enjoy the Moment

The holidays are a time of joy, but they can also be stressful. Between the pressure of gift-giving and expectations, it can be easy to get caught up in the chaos. Remember to slow down and enjoy the moment. Take a deep breath, appreciate the beauty of the holiday season, and savor the experiences you create with loved ones.

holiday friends gathering

The holiday season is a magical time, but it can easily become overwhelming and stressful. Being present during the holidays means taking the time to unplug, appreciate the beauty around us, enjoy life's simple pleasures, create traditions with loved ones, and give back to our community.

Remember to slow down and cherish the time you share with family and friends. Allow yourself to be present and create meaningful memories that will last a lifetime. Happy holidays!

Other Mindful Holiday Guides

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