60+ Self Care Quotes to Remind You to Take Care of Yourself

Most of us are facing unprecedented levels of stress and burnout - with both external pressures from the world around us and internal pressures to excel at our personal goals.

To help ease the strain, consider surrounding yourself with positive affirmations that remind you to care for yourself.

Whether it's a mantra or an uplifting quote that really resonates with you, daily reminders about taking time to care for yourself can be incredibly beneficial for your mental well-being.

self care

With this in mind, below is a collection of meaningful quotes about self-care that will inspire you to take better care of yourself each day.

There is also a list of ten different ways to practice self care and I'm sharing my own self care routine too!

60+ Self Care Quotes

Consider picking one of these self care quotes to say out loud to yourself or journal about as a mindful act of self care.

self care quote

1. “Self-care is how you take your power back” - Lalah Delia

2. “If you restore balance in your own self, you will be contributing immensely to the healing of the world.” -Deepak Chopra

3. “Self-care isn't selfish; it's essential to your survival and your sanity.” – Anonymous

4. “Even though you have learned the skill of running on empty, now is the time to learn the art of breathing deep all over again,” ― Morgan Harper Nichols, All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living

5. “You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” - Eleanor Brownn

self love quote

6. “Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live in.” - Jim Rohn

7. "If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?" -Maya Angelou

8. “Sometimes, when we’re feeling challenged in life, we feel a pull to isolate, and for me part of the joy of being a wife, a mother, and in a cast of friends is allowing myself to be in spaces of love. So being open to that love. Then, for me, self-love is like, 'Am I sleeping enough? Eating well?' Not: A'm I eating well to be able to fit into my skinny jeans?' But: 'Am I eating well to be healthy and strong?' And to acknowledge the good, because there is always a lot of good,"  -Kerry Washington

9. “Many of us, we have a hard time putting ourselves on our own priority list, let alone at the top of it. And that's what happens when it comes to our health as women. We are so busy giving and doing for others that we almost feel guilty to take that time out for ourselves." -Michelle Obama

10. “Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others.” – Parker Palmer

mental health quote

11. “Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.” – Katie Reed

12. “No one can take care of you as well as you do. Self-care is an act of taking responsibility for your own well-being.” - Mandy Hale

13. "I always give myself Sundays as a spiritual base of renewal—a day when I do absolutely nothing. I sit in my jammies or take a walk, and I allow myself time to BE—capital B-E—with myself," -Oprah Winfrey

14. “Self-care is not a luxury; it’s an essential part of your life. Take time for yourself, today and every day.” – Anonymous

15. “Take care of yourself first because if you don't, nobody else will.” - Unknown

inspiring quotes

16. “You always have to remember to take care of yourself first and foremost, because when you stop taking care of yourself you get out of balance and you really forget how to take care of others.” - Jada Pinkett Smith

17. “Self-care is not about being selfish or self-indulgent. It’s about giving yourself the same kindness and love you so freely give to others.” – Anonymous

18. "Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation and that is an act of political warfare." -Audre Lorde

19. “To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.” - Alfred Austin

20. “When you take care of yourself, you’re a better person for others. When you feel good about yourself, you treat others better.” - Solange Knowles

wellness quotes

21. "The goal is not to be better than the other man, but your previous self." -Dalai Lama

22. "True belonging is the spiritual practice of believing in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self with the world and find sacredness in both being a part of something and standing alone in the wilderness. True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are." -Brené Brown

23. “Don’t waste your time waiting for other people’s approval. Spend it on taking care of yourself and doing what you want.” - Anonymous

24. “If you don't take care of yourself, the undertaker will overtax you.” - Mark Twain

25. “Self-care is how you take your power back.” - Lalah Delia

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26. “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.” - Unknown

27. If you take care of your immediate surroundings, the universe will take care of itself. -mahatma gandhi

28. "You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody." -Maya Angelou

29. “May you always be the one who notices the little things that make the light pour through, and may they always remind you: There is more to life and there is more to you.” ― Morgan Harper Nichols

30. “Sometimes, self-care means saying no, even when you want to say yes.” - Anonymous

mindfulness quotes

31. “The greatest trauma and the deepest healing both come from our own hands.” - Victoria Erickson

32. “Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others.” – Parker Palmer

33. “No one else can take care of you the way you can.” - Anonymous

34. “Put yourself at the top of your to-do list every single day and the rest will fall into place.” - Unknown

35. “Even when there are a thousand things to do, cherish these unrushed moments. Make room in your heart for them. There will be many mountains to climb, but always make time to find the pastures where you can rest.” ― Morgan Harper Nichols, All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living

uplifting quotes

36. “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first” - Unknown

37. “The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.” - Steve Maraboli

38. “Sometimes self-care is exercising and eating right. And sometimes it’s spending a day doing absolutely nothing.” - Unknown

39. “Self-respect comes from taking care of yourself with loving kindness, not beating up on yourself for not being perfect.” – Goldie Hawn

40. “Self-care is not a one-time event, it’s something you have to make time for every day.” - Unknown

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41. “Be your own kind of beautiful and never apologize for taking care of yourself.” – Anonymous

42. “The best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present moment.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

43. “Radical self-care is the secret of joy, resistance, freedom. When we care for ourselves as our very own beloved—with naps, healthy food, clean sheets, a lovely cup of tea—we can begin to give in wildly generous ways to the world, from abundance.” -Anne Lamott

44. “Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.” – Katie Reed

45. “Practice self-care not for vanity but sanity.” – Unknown

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46. “Don't underestimate the power of self-care. It can help you build your resilience to face whatever life throws at you.” - Unknown

47. “You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else.” - Anonymous

48. “It’s never too late to start taking care of yourself, body and soul.” - Unknown

49. “Self-care is essential for a healthy and fulfilling life. It isn’t just about pampering yourself; it’s about taking the time to take care of your mind, body and spirit.” - Unknown

50. “Every one of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves." - Princess Diana

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51. “Self-care isn’t about perfection; it’s about balance and being kind to yourself.” – Anonymous

52. “Self-care is an act of self-love and self-respect, it’s about connecting to your inner world and taking care of yourself on a deep level.” - Unknown

53. “Find out who you are and do it on purpose,” -Dolly Parton

54. “Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential for personal growth and development.” – Unknown

55. “Self-care is about being kind to yourself and recognizing your worth. It’s taking the time to nurture your inner self, so that you can be strong enough to take care of others.” - Anonymous

self love tips

56. “Take care of yourself first and everything else will fall into place.” - Unknown

57."To know yourself as the Being underneath the thinker, the stillness underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation, enlightenment.” -Eckhart Tolle

58. “Self-care is about listening to your body and honoring what it needs in order to feel its best.” - Unknown

59. “Don't forget that self-care is the foundation of resilience and well-being, so make time for yourself.” - Solange Knowles.

60. “Self-care is a necessary part of life, and it’s important to prioritize your own needs and take time for yourself.” - Unknown

61."I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness—it's right in front of me if I'm paying attention and practicing gratitude." -Brené Brown

62.“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life.” -Eckhart Tolle

Why is Self Care Important?

Self-care is an essential practice that helps to build resilience and maintain physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

It involves taking the time to nurture yourself spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally through activities like meditation, exercise, relaxation techniques, healthy eating habits, positive self-talk and more.

self care activities

Sometimes it can be hard to put ourselves first and may even seem like a selfish act, but it's the most important thing we can do for ourselves.

Consider the Oxygen Mask analogy, flight attendants instruct passenger to put their own oxygen mask on before helping others.

This is similar to self care. We have to fill up our own cups and take care of our own needs so that we can be the best version of ourselves and be there for loved ones.

By engaging in consistent mindful practices, we are better able to manage stress, reduce anxiety and depression, boost the immune system, reduce low self-esteem, and increase productivity.

It can also help us find a more blissful state of mind and balance our emotional energy.

happy inspiration

Ultimately, self-care is important because it allows us to take care of our whole selves—mind, body, spirit—so that we can be our best selves in all areas of life. Without sufficient self-care practices in place, it’s all too easy to become overwhelmed and burned out.

So make sure you take time each day to practice taking care of yourself.

Sometimes we feel like we don't have enough time in the day, but self care doesn't have to take up a big chunk of time. It could be something as simple as going on a fifteen minute walk or taking bubble baths at the end of the day to process your thoughts.

By practicing regular self-care, we can better manage our mental health, stress levels, and overall wellbeing. These mindful practices allows us to reconnect with ourselves and build positive habits in order to live our happiest, healthiest lives.

So don’t forget to prioritize self-care and pay attention to your own needs.

10 Different Ways to Practice Self Care

These are some healthy self-love activities you can try!

1. Take some time for yourself each day - Spend a few minutes reflecting on what nourishes you and make sure to prioritize those activities. This could include reading, listening to music, yoga, taking a bath, journaling or anything that brings you joy.

2. Exercise regularly – Regular physical activity can help reduce stress and improve your mood.

3. Get enough sleep - Make sure you get enough restful sleep so that your body and mind can recharge for the next day.

4. Eat a balanced diet – Eating healthy foods can help to boost your energy and mood, as well as protect against chronic illnesses.

5. Spend time with people who make you feel good – Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you and make sure to take a break from those who don’t.

self care ideas

6. Practice gratitude - Take time each day to be thankful for all of the good things in your life.

7. Find meaningful activities – Make sure that you are pursuing goals and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

8. Connect with nature – Get outside and spend some time in nature to de-stress and reconnect with yourself.

9. Give yourself a break - Don’t forget that it’s okay to take breaks from your daily routine, even just for a few minutes here or there. This can help to give you a much-needed energy boost.

10. Journaling- Write down what you’re feeling or what you experienced that day to help process your feelings and emotions.

Self-care is an important part of life, but it looks different for everyone. The key is finding what works you! Here are some ways I personally practice self care!

My Self Care Routine

Building a consistent self care routine can be a challenge. I had a difficult time holding myself accountable and making myself practice these mindful activities consistently. But I think discipline is part of the self care practice

I notice that when I am consistent in my self care routine I feel more at peace and less pulled into the vicious stress cycle of life. When I do my regular self care routine, it sets my whole day up for success.

self care routine

Limit Screentime

Something I've become better at is limiting my screen time and this has really helped my self care routine.

I used to wake up and look at my phone first thing in the morning, but now I wake up, drink coffee in silence, process my thoughts, and then start my morning yoga routine.

Giving myself time to process my own thoughts during the day and not be bombarded with news or social media first thing has really made a different in my self care.

Drinking Coffee in Silence

I love starting my day in silence. This quiet moment gives me a chance to mentally prepare to take on the world. Sitting with your own thoughts takes patiences and is an incredible act of self love.

coffee inspiration

Practicing Yoga

Starting my day with yoga has really helped. I usually do a slow flow yoga video on Youtube. I really enjoy the yoga videos from Bright & Salted Yoga Studio.

I also try to go to a yoga class once a week. This helps me get out of the house and as someone who works from home, that can be challenging. Going to the yoga class really helps me feel more centered.


I like to journal at the end of every day. I'm not as consistent with this as I'd like to be, but I try to do it daily. I think journaling at the end of my day helps me process my feelings and let go of things before bed.

I sincerely enjoy the Storyteller app for inspirational quotes, poems, and journal prompts. If I'm not feeling called to write about something specific I pull out this app and read and journal to the prompt.

self care journal


I think giving gratitude is a powerful way to start the day. Sometimes I like to say my gratitude out loud and sometimes I like to write it down. This is a great way to remind yourself of all that you have.

Walk The Dog

Each afternoon I walk my dog. As somebody who works from home, this is a great activity to make me take a break and be in the present moment.

I typically come back to my computer feeling more refreshed and am more productive after taking this afternoon break.


Massage is something I find incredibly helpful. It's not something I do too often due to the price, but I think it really helps nurture that mind and body inner peace.

sound bath

Sound Baths

Similar to massage, this isn't part of my daily routine, but it is something I try to do and have found it helpful.

Sound Baths are an ancient Tibetan meditative experience where you lie on your back and listen and feel the sound and vibrations from the sound practitioner. I typically go to crystal bowl sound baths. I've found them to be really relaxing and calming for my anxiety.

self love routine

I think when developing your own self care routine it's important to try a few things and listen to the needs of your soul. Maybe you will feel drawn to or more at peace with a certain activity. Self care looking different for everyone and that's okay.

Hopefully this post inspired you to prioritize the act of self-care and make a greater investment in yourself. I also hope this post gave you a few ideas on different ways to practice self care. Self care is a great use of time, so invest in yourself today!

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