Posts tagged tips for sustainable living
8 Tips for Sustainably Styling a College Apartment & Dorm on a Budget

Back to that college life and living on campus or in an apartment near by? Or just graduated and starting that first adult job? You can totally decorate sustainably and on a budget. I started this blog back when I was a sophomore in college. I know what it’s like to be on a budget and trying to find ethical & sustainable home decor. Here are a few tips to help!

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17 Easy Sustainable Swaps to Save Money

There is often a stigma that buying sustainable & ethical products, living an eco-friendly lifestyle, and being conscious comes at a higher cost. In a lot of ways sustainable living can not only be good for the planet, but also good for your wallet. Yes, you can actually save money by living consciously. Check out these tips on living sustainably and saving money.

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10 Simple Swaps to Make to Easily Reduce Plastic Use

Looking to live more sustainably, but not sure where to start? Cutting down on the plastic products you use & purchase is a great place to begin. Here are ten easy swaps to make sustainable living easy! This post does contain some affiliate links! All products I truly believe in!

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Conscious Consumerism Isn't About Perfection

Quite often I see ethical fashion bloggers post wardrobes like the one pictured. A perfectly curated clothing rack of ten or so items at first it made my feel like I was doing this conscious consumerism thing wrong, but now after years in the ethical fashion scene it makes me laugh. I’ve accepted that will never be my wardrobe and that’s okay. My closet is a hot mess. Confession I despise doing laundry (I justify it by telling myself the less laundry I do the better for the planet ;) so there are clothes spread out. I have a lot more than ten pieces of clothing in my wardrobe. I like supporting ethical clothing brands that are making positive change and it keeps my wardrobe exciting. Minimalism isn’t really my style….I love fun prints and bold colors.

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What is the Sustainable Fashion Movement?

Sometimes it's a struggle when you're trying to be a conscious consumer and your friends aren't on board. When my friends go to the mall, I love tagging along for the social experience, but often times it leaves me feeling sad that there is SO much fast fashion. Sometimes it makes me feel that no matter how hard I work to inform people, it's not gonna change. So I thought of a few fun ways to get your friends excited about sustainable fashion, get the conscious conversation started, and socialize with your crew.

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