How I Went from Shopaholic to Conscious Consumer

While browsing a boutique I saw a "Consume Less, Be More" bumper sticker. I love this saying... although I did think it was a bit ironic customers had to buy the bumper sticker. This little phrase is a great point to consider.

All in all consumerism can be a good thing. Consumerism is part of what fuels our economy and creates jobs.

However, it is how we consume that can occasionally get out of hand.

Sometimes we get caught up in the materialistic lifestyle and forget to focus on who we are as people and how we can improve.  Most of us are guilty of participating in impulse buys leading us to purchase junk we do not need. I know I am!

PC Our House Photography

In the past I was a bit of a shopaholic and struggled to say no. But ever since I became a conscious consumer four years ago my habits have changed. I can actually walk through a mall without purchasing anything because I ask myself the tough questions...

Why is this shirt $5? Were the people who made this product treated fairly? Where was the garment made? Do I really need this? What does this purchase say about my consumer values?

Shop Small, Ethical, & Give Back Brands

However, I am a sucker for a good cause, supporting a small business, or sustainability, and tend to revisit my shopaholic habits when I see the fair trade stamp or know the story behind the product.

When the product helps others, I'm sold. To me, the "Be More" part of this phrase focuses on how we can better ourselves for the greater good. By thinking of ourselves in reference to the greater good, this can lead to positive, conscious consumerism.

What is a Conscious Consumer?

Being a conscious consumer is being aware of what you’re buying and shopping based on your values. Each purchase reflects your consumer values and creates demand within the industry. 

For those who may have the luxury of spending, there comes a great responsibility of using purchase power wisely and demanding quality products for the greater good. The next time you're on the verge of an impulse buy I encourage you to ask yourself, what are my consumer values and how does this purchase reflect those? 

Chances are by asking yourself these questions you will encourage you to consume less. Take it a step further and ask yourself questions such as what impact does this purchase have on the planet?

Why Should You Take Part in Conscious Consumerism?

For me it started when I watched The True Cost and learned about the slavery and abuse happening in the fashion industry. I didn’t want my money contributing to the suffering of others. After watching this documentary I evaluated my purchases and started researching brands before buying.

what is conscious consumerism

I wanted the goods I was purchasing to stand for something good. Through conscious consumerism I've significantly reduced the amount I buy which is also reducing my carbon footprint.

Be a Conscious Consumer by Shopping Your Values

Through discovering my consumer values I have noticed the products I now purchase each have a significant meaning and importance to me. One of my main consumer values is the mission of a brand and how their products effect other people.

If a product provides employment to people in need, that is a huge selling point to me. This adds another dimension to the product and encourages me to cherish and share the story.  

Most of the goods I purchase now are better quality and last longer than the cutesy cheap goods I purchased before becoming a conscious consumer. Typically the people who make socially responsible goods take pride in the quality of their products and want goods to last. I have sincerely been able to tell a difference. 

Do Your Purchases Reflect Your Values?

Everybody has their own unique set of consumer habits. I challenge you to discover your consumer values. 

shopaholic turns to ethical fashion blogger

Below are a few of my consumer values if you're looking for a place to get started. It can be difficult to find products that encompass all the values, but even if you just pick one to focus on you ARE making a difference!

  • socially responsible cause

  • brand transparency & knowledge

  • ethically made

  • sustainable

  • positive for the environment

  • fair treatment & payment of employees

  • high quality & will last

If you're looking for more resources to for conscious consumerism I encourage you to check out The Honest Consumer's ethical brand directory featuring socially responsible companies to shop, fair trade fashion, & sustainable style!

Broken down by category including ethical clothing, fair trade home decor, sustainable furniture, & more this is a great place to start! 

There are more product stories and brands through out the website. I will continue to do my best to provide you with resources through out your consumer journey! 

For more tips & tricks on conscious consumerism & ethical fashion be sure to follow The Honest Consumer on social media!