Can Black Friday Shopping Be Ethical?

Being in the ethical and socially responsible consumer or business during this time of year is really interesting.

You have conscious brands & consumers that boycott the Black Friday and Cyber Monday stuff all together and you have conscious brands & consumers that are excited about the sales and participate.

No matter which side you’re on I respect and see both points of view. However, I thought I’d share my own.

mall during the holidays

Can Black Friday Shopping Be Ethical or Sustainable?

It’s no secret that mass consumerism around the holidays is completely out of hand and that Black Friday and Cyber Monday go over board.

However, we can’t deny that these days of sales are ingrained into our society and the time to start holiday shopping. I’m not saying that I 100% support the concept or impulse buying, but I do love a good sale and think these sales can present opportunities for other people & small businesses.

These sales do present shoppers the opportunity to try out new small businesses and sustainable brands at a discounted rate.

Traditionally, people believe ethical and eco-friendly brands are more expensive to shop. However, consumers are more likely to give a new small business or sustainable product a try when it can be purchased at a lower price point.

So, for me personally, I do believe Black Friday can be done in a responsible manner when consumers choose to purchase from small businesses, buy items they actually need, and really consider the impact of shopping.

By shopping Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, this can get shoppers excited about buying from socially responsible brands. A few additional resources to help you shop responsibly this holiday season include the 2023 Ethical Holiday Gift Guide and our Sustainable Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale Guide.

Let’s discuss the ethics of responsible shopping during BFCM weekend and a few things to consider.

Black friday can be an opportunity for small businesses to attract new customers

Consumers tend to believe that ethical and sustainable brands are more expensive. While it does depend on where you’re shopping (just like any brand) I think these sales are a great opportunity for consumers who aren’t 100% sold on conscious consumerism to try out socially responsible brands.

With lower prices consumers are more likely to take risks on new brands and I think through this experience they will fall in love with the stories behind the products, the high quality of ethically made goods, and be more likely to purchase from responsible brands going forward.

small business owners Black Friday

A chance for shoppers to purchase gifts for good at a discounted price.

These sale days are known as the start of holiday shopping. A lot of people purchase their Christmas gifts for friends and family on Black Friday & Cyber Monday. People are usually planning to shop this day.

People can use the sales as an opportunity to purchase more meaningful gifts from small businesses or socially responsible brands.

Plus, receiving a gift could be the gateway to a consumer learning about social responsibility and kick start their ethical lifestyle.

It’s about who & where consumers are purchasing from

These sales can create opportunities for small & local business owners to generate good amounts of revenue which can do positive things for their business and can further their overall impact in the socially responsible movement.

But in order for that to happen we have to know WHERE our money is going and WHO we’re purchasing from. We’ve all seen the videos of customers running into stores trampling each other on Black Friday…(I could write an entire separate rant about that) But it’s about WHERE you’re purchasing from.

ethical black friday shopping

The stores we see that happening at are typically chain stores that are all about profit over people. If you’re supporting good causes and small businesses with your purchases this weekend, that’s fabulous!

That’s one of the key aspects of the conscious consumer movement. So when you’re purchasing on Black Friday or Cyber Monday just be conscious of where your money is going. What are the brands values? What do they stand for?

If you’re purchasing from a small business, your large purchase can help them stay afloat, support their family, grow, or further their social impact.

Just remember that small businesses don’t always have the margins that corporations do and so they might not be able to slash their prices as much as larger stores.

I encourage shoppers to think about WHAT they’re buying.

Like I said, I’m not supporting the crazy mass consumption, but I do support supporting small, impactful businesses. So I encourage you to reflect on what you’re buying. Are you buying a fast fashion garment that will fall apart in a few months?

Instead take advantage of the sales and try investing in high quality garment that will last. Products that last are a key aspect to conscious consumerism!

Whether you choose to purchase this Black Friday or Cyber Monday, or not, please be sure to purchase responsibly this holiday season.

A few resources that might help you include our Holiday Gift Guide and BFCM Sale Guide.

For more tips & tricks on sustainable living be sure to follow The Honest Consumer on social media, subscribe to our newsletter, & check out the Ethical & Sustainable Brand Directory.